Mrax Book 1
An impossible challenge, a rescue mission that could cost his life.
When Ky’s alien father leaves for his home planet Mrax, he brings to life a model made from junk for his son. Months later, Dad has still not returned, Ky’s mother is in a coma and an unwelcome aunt has moved in. Miserable, Ky turns to his best friend Fay, who has mysterious talents of her own. She foretells he will rescue his father without her.
Teleported into a whole new life, not knowing who to trust, Ky is swept up in a mind-blowing conspiracy. He must master his hybrid skills to rescue his father and help his alien family push Mrax out of a destructive orbit .
Can Ky save a world and reunite his family with a little help, and hindrance, from his junk side-kick?
A fantastic story teller, writes about children with great insight into what it is like to be young and misunderstood. Thoroughly enjoyable.
I really enjoyed reading Alienship and loved the characters right from the beginning. Ky was definitely my favourite and I felt we really got to know him, but that isn’t to say the other characters weren’t great as well. We see Ky overcome many challenges and grow as a person too. What I loved most though was how the author introduces us to a magical world in such a lovely way. The vivid scenery and description easily sucks you into the story and you feel yourself joining in on Ky’s adventures.